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Rules and Guidelines

All Customer Owned Skates

  • Must be cleaned before arriving at the rink—no dirt or grime on wheels or oil visible on bearings.
  • No brakes or wheels that would mark the hardwood floor or carpet.
  • No bolts or screws extending from the frame nor excessively worn wheels, stops, or brakes.
  • Must be complete skates-no missing hardware, wheels, brakes, or brake assemblies.
  • No skates can be worn into or out of the building.
  • Must have toe stops or toe plugs installed prior to skating where applicable.
  • No sneaker skates that wheels stick out of the bottom of or roller balls on the hardwood floor.

General Rules and Guidelines

  • Management reserves the right to ask anyone to leave at any time.
  • Rainbow Gardens is not responsible for any accidents that happen at the rink. As always, skate at your own risk!
  • Alcoholic beverages, illegal substances, or anyone under the influence, will not be permitted on the premises and will be asked to leave.
  • While skating:
    • No fast skating​
    • No backwards skating or tricks during all skate (except in the inner circle)
    • No pushing or shoving
    • No playing tag
    • No carrying children on skates at any time
    • Only one earbud/headphone in at all times
  • No profanity. Repetitive profanity and foul or abusive language used may result in management asking you to leave the premise.
  • No in-and-out privileges or loitering on the property.
  • Do not enter staff and employee-only entrances.
  • You must use socks in rental skates. We sell these in the pro shop if you do not have any others available.
  • Shoes are required to be given when renting skates.
  • We do not recommend the use of hair clips or any objects on the body that may cause injury if you were to fall.
  • No smoking/vaping inside the rink.
  • All food and drinks must be consumed in the snack bar area. No outside food and drinks are allowed in the building.
  • This is a family fun entertainment center. Please be aware that anything deemed inappropriate (clothes, skates, makeup, jewelry, etc.) will be asked to be changed or we have the right to ask you to leave the premise.
    • Roller skating is a strenuous and fast-moving sport. By putting on skates and participating in this form of recreating you are assuming the risk of an accident inherent in this and any similar sport. It is the nature of this recreation that people fall down or run into one another on occasion. If you are not willing to assume that risk, do not skate here. If you doubt your ability to roller skate, please consider this notice before proceeding onto the floor. We are not responsible for any injuries which occur while in this facility.​


Throwback Thursdays:
Music from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s!

Fridays and Saturdays:

Kids 5 and under get in free!


$7.00 Admission
$3.00 Skate Rental
$3.00 Spectating Parent and Grandparents

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